The Europeana Newspapers Project will be sharing best practices at the second workshop that is coming up on the 16th of September and it will focus on Aggregation and Presentation within the project.
This workshop is aimed at:
- Cultural heritage professionals (e.g. from libraries, archives, museums, universities)
- Newspaper publishers
- Usability experts
Enjoy a preview of what we’ll be addressing in September:
The interface for the Europeana Newspapers content browser: We aim to have a first iteration ready by the end of August, which will provide basic search facilities over the content from four libraries (national libraries of Austria, Finland, France and Friedrich Tessman library in Italy). Users will be able to search through metadata and full text of this content and then see images, or snippets of images, of the newspapers themselves. The interface will be embedded in the The European Library general interface, with a newspapers tab along from the current ‘full-text’ and ‘external search’ tabs. More content and functionality will be added during the rest of the project lifetime until we have all the project content ingested (or accessible externally) by the end of 2014. We also hope to organise some usability testing in 2014. Have a look at the ingestion and indexing plan.
Metadata alignment: Newspapers are quite complex objects normally structured in a hierarchical way, the metadata usually contains very rich information which is not necessarily about the newspaper itself, as an object, but also relates to specific events, places, agents in relation to the intellectual content of the newspaper. The aligning to Europeana Data Model (EDM) needs to comply with these requirements in order to reveal the richness of newspaper content. The report on EDM for newspapers describes the different solutions that EDM provides to meet the listed requirements.
We’ll be sharing this and much more at the Europeana Newspapers Aggregation and Presentation Workshop that will be part of The European Library’s conference: Promoting innovation in Europe, 16-17 September, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
How to register for the Europeana Newspapers workshop:
Step 1: Register here for the conference:
Step 2: Confirm your conference registration with “ENP workshop” in the subject line to:
We are looking forward to seeing you in Amsterdam!