Europeana Newspapers Czech Republic Tour (28.11. – 3.12. 2012)

Most of dissemination activities of the Europeana Newspapers project take place in countries of the project partners (Netherlands, Germany, United Kingdom, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Poland, Serbia, Austria, Italy, France and Turkey). One of the objective of the project is the network extension, which also means a particular focus on such European countries, which are not a part of the consortium. LIBER, represented by Aleš Pekárek, will be touring Czech Republic (28. 11. – 3.12. 2012) in order to raise awareness among potential associated partners and relevant stakeholders.


13th Conference “Archives, libraries and museums in the digital world 2012” (28. – 29.11.)

This annual event is organised by the Association of Library and Information Professionals of the Czech Republic (SKIP), a member of EBLIDA and IFLA, and it belongs to one of the largest events of its kind in Czech Republic. The Europeana Newspapers will be promoted through planned F2F meetings (e.g. with a representative of the National Library of the Czech Republic, a potential associated partner of the project) and through a presentation of the project (only one main plennary session, more than 350 participants).


Invited seminar at Moravian Library (30.11.)

The tour continues in the second largest Czech city Brno, with an invited seminar for the employees and representatives of the Moravian Library, second largest Czech library and another potential associated partner of the project.  The seminar is open for the general public as well.


Cyberspace 2012 (1.12.)

After two Czech language events, the project will be presented at Saturday’s workshop (Open Access Workshop – libraries, repositories, online archives) of the 10th International Conference Cyberspace 2012, which is organised by the Faculty of Law of the Masaryk’s university in Brno.


Invited lecture at Charles University (3.12.)

After Sunday’s break, the tour will be finished with an invited public lecture for students and professors of the Institute of Information Studies and Librarianship, Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague.


We will keep you informed about the results of this tour!




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