The National Library of Turkey is one of the founding partners of the Europeana Newspapers Project, and many of its digitised newspapers will be included in our finished content browser.
Today, we’re taking a look at the content that will be contributed by the National Library of Turkey. For a better look at each paper, simply click on the image and a gallery will appear.
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On the advertisement page of Aksam newspaper from 1937 (22 November, 1937 Aksam Newspaper, page 16) Radio models are shown on an advertisement which tells that RCA radios are listened to all over the country with the motto of “The radio bringing joy to every home”. Image credit: National Library of Turkey.
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Ulus Newspaper, issue 19 August 1938, page 6. İzmir International Fair is the first and only general trade fair of Turkey and it is one of the few examples in the World. Its origin goes back to 17 February, 1923 when Atatürk demanded an exhibition during the Economy Congress in İzmir. Since 1927, regular exhibitions organized under the name of “9 September Exhibition”. Due to the economic crisis all over the world, organization of these exhibitions took a pause for a while after the exhibitions of 1927 and 1928. The third of the exhibitions named as “9 September Fair” was organized in 1933 and it was given the name of “İzmir International Fair” in 1937. On this page is information about the number of the participant countries, the fair theme and area given. Image credit: National Library of Turkey.
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Hamidiye Clock Tower. Special issue due to the 18th anniversary of ascending the throne by Sultan II.Abdülhamit. This Journal (Malumat [old Turkish]) from 31 August 1895 (issue 10 page 205) Reports on the location of the (Hamidiye) Clock Tower which is situated next to the courtyard of the Yildiz Palace in four languages. (Old Turkish, Arabic, Persian and French). This clock tower is in Ottoman and neo-Gothic style has an octagonal plan and is ordered by the Ottoman Sultan Abdülhamid II (1842–1918). Image credit: National Library of Turkey.[/ezcol_1half_end]
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Sultan’s Yacht. This Journal (Malumat) from 5 August 1895 (issue 8 page 165) reports on Imperial Yacht (Sultani). (photo taken by Abdullah Brothers) shows the upstairs hall on the Sultani Yacht which is designed to its autotype Angerer Arts House in Vienna. In this article, the yacht is poetically portrayed. Image credit: National Library of Turkey. [/ezcol_1half_end]