Searching through historic newspapers from 23 European countries

The third press release of the Europeana Newspapers Project tells you all about the historic newspaper browser:

As part of the Europeana Newspapers project, The European Library developed a historic newspapers browser that enables users to perform full-text searches in millions of historic newspaper pages.

“For the first time in history we have the opportunity to do transnational comparative research on the basis of big data!“ says Toine Pieters, digital humanities researcher from the University of Utrecht.

The prototype interface has undergone usability testing in spring 2014. On the basis of the recommendations received, The European Library simplified the search page and made it possible to browse the content by date, newspaper title and geographic map. Before the end of the project a further usability study will be carried out to test the improvements made. While the amount of content in the browser continues to grow rapidly one can already explore 1.8 million historic newspaper issues and perform full-text searches across 7 million pages. By the end of January 2015, the browser will contain around 30 million newspaper pages from 25 libraries in 23 European countries. Users will be able to search:

  • full text of more than 10 million historic newspaper pages
  • named entity recognition in Dutch, German and French to enable searches of names of people and geographic places
  • metadata records of over 20 million historic newspaper pages.

“Having access to newspapers from across Europe….allows us to look for circulation, not only for origins: to study routes rather than roots, to work on what we call transliteratures.” says Amélia Sanz, researcher and professor of comparative literature and cyber culture at Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

Moreover one can explore the historic newspapers as well as millions of other cultural heritage items at, which recently embedded the historic newspaper viewer. The viewer is also available through The European Library for other cultural heritage institutions to embed in their digital environment.

“For researchers, such as historians, journalists, fact-checkers and genealogists, Europeana Newspapers will be the most important portal to consult historic newspapers in Europe. A source of great importance in construction.“ says Eric Hennekam, archive specialist, member of the Association of Professional Genealogists and visiting lecturer at the faculty of journalism of the University of Groningen, VU University Amsterdam and the Flemish Mediacademy.

Historic newspaper content from the following libraries is available and constantly growing:

Contact: Clemens Neudecker:

Official Press Release

Translations: French, German


12 Replies to “Searching through historic newspapers from 23 European countries”

  1. Pingback: New Historic Newspapers Browser by The European Library |

  2. I am trying to find any reference to the American Boy’s Club in Paris. Many American students made this their base while studying in Paris at the end of the 19th century. One American artist, Artus Van Briggle, wrote that it was located one half block from the confluence (l’aigle) of Blvds. Montparnasse and Raspail. I am looking for an address for the club. I tried using your “search” but was directed to an assortment of unrelated items including gold coins!

    • Thanks but I finally located a reference to the location of the American Boy’s Club in Paris. I read it was located on rue Paul Séjourné, but no number was given. Walking the street gave no clue because only one building faced onto rue Paul Séjourné, and it was numbered “1” and was obviously from the twentieth century. Recently I found a contemporary account of the club and the number 131 was mentioned as the number over the door of the club. The mystery was solved when I found an account that explained that the rue Paul Séjourné was created in 1902. The address of the school was obviously on rue Montparnasse and the number “131” corresponded to the two adjacent buildings, “129” and “133” rue Montparnasse. The Boy’s Club actually sat atop what became the rue Paul Séjourné! The building which the club occupied had to have been destroyed to make way for the new street–a sad occasion and a loss of a historic 18th century building and garden. I post this in hope it may be found (and the issue resolved more easily) by someone with this same query.

  3. Hi, I’m confused, where can I go to actually see and search this content (the Europeana newspaper collection)? I have clicked all the links and none of them seem to work or provide access to this content?

  4. Hi,
    I am looking for historical newspapers for Trier Germany and also for Neunkirchen,Saarland. Any help would be appreciated.

  5. Hello, I am looking for newspaper articles at the time of the world war one Arab Revolt, from a central power country.

  6. Sorry, i see my last question wasnt specific enough. The article has to be both at the time of the WW1 Arab revolt and on the event itself. As well as having come from a central power country

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